Customs Regulations
What can I bring in duty-free?
You can only bring in as duty-free any items you carry in for your own use or consumption. This includes gifts.
Items carried in means not just those in your carry-on luggage, but also in your checked baggage.
Duty-free items from outside the EU for those aged 17 and older
• 200 cigarettes
• 100 mini-cigars
• 50 cigars
• 250 grams of smoking tobacco
• 1 liter Spirits (Schnaps) with more than 22% alcohol content
• 2 liters alcoholic beverages with up to 22% alcohol content
• 4 liters Sekt or similar beverages
• 16 liters Beer
• Medications for your own use
• 10 liters gasoline or similar substances per car, in an appropriate container you can carry
• Other items up to a value of 300 €
• If arrival is by air or sea, you can bring in a value up to 430 €
• Children younger than 15 years old can bring in a value up to 175 €
If the value of your items exceeds the permissible limits, a customs duty of 17.5% will be imposed up to a value of 700 €; for items with a duty discount, the additional duty imposed will be 15%. If the value exceeds 700 €, a 19% import tax will be levied; for books and portaits, 7%. In addition, a customs duty of between 2.5 and 17% will be imposed, depending on the type of item involved. For goods from the People’s Republic of China, an Anti-Dumping duty of 48.5% will be imposed.
Arriving from other EU member countries
In principle imports for your own use should have no limitations imposed. However, in order to restrict the amount of goods imported to a reasonable level, the following limits have been decreed:
• 800 cigarettes
• 400 mini-cigars
• 200 cigars
• 1kg smoking tobacco
• 10 liters Spirits
• 10 liters “Alkopop’s” (Soft drinks containing alcohol)
• 60 liters Sekt or similar drinks.
• 20 liters Sherry, Port Wine or similar drinks.
• 110 liter beer
• 10 kg coffee
• Unlimited amounts of wine for your own personal use.
If you exceed these limits, you must provide credible evidence that the items really are for your own personal use.
Customs: There are two lines or queues: Green – no items to declare; Red – items to declare. In the Green line, random checks are conducted. Violations are handled as tax evasion with monetary fines levied.Caution: Importing animals is not permitted. Further, importation of animal parts is only allowed when no protective regulations exist for the animal.
In Islamic countries in particular the importation of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes is forbidden. This includes written material that is listed on the “forbidden index”, as well as anything that is construed as in opposition to the Koran. These are subject to strict penalties. In some countries it’s even a punishable offense to take sand with you.You are limited to taking out no more than 10,000 € (Euros) with you.