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There is a wide variety of hotels in different price ranges. Especially in urban areas, they are expensive. Restaurants, hostels, and guesthouses are usually much cheaper, with almost the same room quality, which is particularly due to the additional services of hotels (fitness rooms, indoor pools or even entire wellness areas, etc.). You can stay cheaply – even as an adult – in youth hostels, but you may have to put up with dormitory rooms. A specialty that originated from Germany are the Kolping houses, which offer inexpensive accommodation. Offered and maintained by the Kolping movement, these houses were originally founded in the 19th century by the Catholic priest Adolf Kolping to provide wandering craftsmen with good and cheap overnight accommodation. They are now accessible to everyone.

Hotels and Hostels: Numerous international hotel and hostel chains are present in major German cities, offering a wide range of accommodations. Classification is usually based on the star system (1 to 5 stars), with prices varying depending on the city and location, and typically higher in major cities.

B&Bs (Guesthouses): B&Bs, also known as guesthouses or private rooms, generally offer simpler comfort at more affordable prices. A sign saying “Zimmer Frei” (Room Available) indicates the availability of rooms.

Hostels: Hostels are known for their simple, inexpensive dormitory-style accommodations and are excellent places to meet other travelers. There are two types: youth hostels operated by the German Youth Hostel Association within the Hostelling International network, and independent hostels, often found in larger cities, offering a relaxed and sometimes party-like atmosphere.

Camping: Germany offers a multitude of campgrounds with varying standards. The ADAC provides comprehensive guides for these. Wild camping without the landowner’s permission is illegal in Germany and subject to penalties. Also, lighting an open fire in the forest is prohibited due to the risk of forest fires and is punishable by a fine.

City Taxes: Many places, including health resorts and cities like Berlin, impose a visitor’s tax on overnight guests. Business travelers may be exempt from this tax if they provide a corresponding certification from their employer at check-in.


In social emergencies, the facilities of the two major Christian churches in particular offer help: For the Catholic Church, Caritas, and for the Protestant Church, Diakonie. The Catholic dioceses are named after the respective bishop’s seat, where the Caritas headquarters are usually located. The threads of the Diakonie of the Protestant regional churches also mostly come together in the cities of the bishop’s seat. Especially victims of crime and violence, explicitly women, find important contact points here, for example in women’s shelters.