Last Update April 7, 2023
News general

On April 7th, the legal framework for the Corona protective measures has expired. That means: The last remaining measures have been lifted – such as wearing an FFP2 mask when visiting a hospital or nursing home.

The mask requirement on public transport ends on February 2, 2023.

December 8th is a nationwide warning day. From 11 a.m. test warnings will be communicated on various channels. These include e.g. television, radio, digital city display boards or smartphones. Loudspeaker trucks can also drive up and down streets with messages. Smartphones will ringing to optimize and test a new form of warning. The Federal Office for Civil Protection will provide further information.

From July 1, 2022, all discarded electronic devices can be handed in in supermarkets, provided that the device must not exceed an edge length of 25 centimeters (9.84 inch). The supermarket must take back the device, regardless of where the device was purchased.

Covid 19

The Federal Government provides information on the topic of Covid 19 here.

The Federal Foreign Office provides information on traveling during Covid 19 here.

The federal government provides FAQs for travelers, during the Covid 19 pandemic here.

News for Ukrainians

The Federal Government has set up the  Germany4Ukraine portal, where Ukrainians can get comprehensive help and information.

The Tagesschau is Germany’s most-watched news program, which will in future offer news with Ukrainian and Russian subtitles. The news can be accessed in the ARD media center and on the YouTube channel.

Information on train travel for people who have fled Ukraine can be found here.

The Ukrainian TV journalist Karolina Ashion from Kjiv, known from Ukrainian TV, gives daily 10-minute news in Ukrainian on German TV. Available every evening from Monday to Friday on, and YouTube.