GDL and Airport Strike Announcements 03/06/2024
GDL Strike Announcements Cause Disruption in Freight Transport The German Train Drivers’ Union (GDL) has caused unrest by announcing that future strikes in rail transport will be announced with less notice. An upcoming strike in freight transport is set to begin on Wednesday and last until Friday. This marks the fifth labor dispute in the ongoing wage conflict with the railway. The GDL has also announced the use of “wave strikes” to draw attention to their demand for a 35-hour workweek, which could significantly affect the reliability of the railway as a means of transport.
Impact of Strikes in Air Transport and Actions for Passengers In parallel, the Verdi union has called for warning strikes by Lufthansa’s ground staff, which will result in significant disruptions in air transport. The strike is expected to last from Thursday to Saturday, leading to the cancellation of all departures from Hamburg Airport. Significant disruptions are also expected at Frankfurt Airport, as departing passengers will not be able to enter the airport due to the lack of security checks. Passengers should expect delays, flight cancellations, and heavily booked flights and should adjust their travel plans accordingly.